
Welcome to the installation guide for CryptoPay! Before we dive into the installation process, it's important to understand the necessary steps to get started with our plugin. In this guide, we will walk you through the entire installation process to ensure a smooth and easy setup.

As BeycanPress, we recommend that you use our product on non-shared VPS, VDS or hosting. Because in shared hosting, service providers can restrict many PHP methods.


  • PHP 8.1 & 8.2

  • WordPress 5.0+

  • WooCommerce 4.4+ (Optional: if you want using with WooCommerce)

  • IonCube Loader 13 (What is IonCube Loader 13?) (Just for premium version)

Start install

0 - Preliminary information

The Lite and Premium versions have some necessary PHP extensions for the plugin to work. For example, Ioncube is not required for the Lite version. However, requirements such as BCMath, GMP, cURL are included in the paid and free version.

Therefore, when you activate the plugin after step 4. If you get warnings like CryptoPay is disabled "because x extension was not found". These are not errors. If you read the warnings you are already told what to do.

1 - Download zip file

After purchasing the product, download the ".zip" file from the downloads section.

2 - Upload zip

Then click on plugins and add new from the WordPress wp-admin menu. Then click on the upload plugin button and then click on the select plugin button in the opened section and install the plugin. Then click the download now button.

4 - Activate

After waiting for a while, the plugin installation will be completed. If you get a warning about the size. Please increase the upload limit with the "Wp Maximum Upload File Size" plugin. If this limit is set low on hosting, please contact your hosting provider and ask to increase it.

After the installation is complete, activate the plugin with the activate plugin button.

5 - First adjustments

When you activate the plugin, you will receive two warnings as follows. 1st warning is only in premium version.

6 - License process (Just for premium version)

To solve the 1st warning, enter the license code given to you after the purchase in the license section of the settings under CryptoPay in the menu as follows.

You can access all your licenses on the "https://beycanpress.com/my-account/my-licenses/" page.

Please read the relevant explanations in detail when starting your license.

7 - Wallet address entry

To solve the second warning, enter the EVM-based, that is, MetaMask or TrustWallet address after purchase, into the wallet address section of the EvmBased settings under CryptoPay in the menu as follows.

8 - First adjustments complete

When you complete the above steps, the warnings will be removed as you can see in the picture below. Now it's time to enable Payment Gateway to receive payments via WooCommerce.

9 - Activate WooCommerce gateway

All you have to do is come to WooCommerce - Settings - Payments page as in the picture below and activate CryptoPay Payment Gateway. You are now ready to use CryptoPay and get paid in your WooCommerce store.

NOTE: If you are going to use CryptoPay with a plugin other than WooCommerce. There should be a section in the settings section of the relevant plugin like WooCommerce and you need to activate CryptoPay from there.

10 - WalletConnect Project ID

The WalletConnect Project ID is required for the operation of the Web3Modal option, which makes it easy for users to connect to CryptoPay from mobile devices and provides support for 300+ wallets for Web3Modal and EVM-based networks, as well as the WalletConnect option you may see on some other networks.

You can obtain a WalletConnect Project ID by following the steps below.

Register to WalletConnect Cloud

Open the general settings and follow the link in the settings to get a WalletConnect Project ID and license code

Get a project ID by signing up for WalletConnect Cloud with your wallet address or email as shown in the image below.

Create a project

Create your project by entering the name and url of your website in the relevant fields and selecting the "app" option.

You can then copy your project id from the relevant field and add it to TokenICO settings. You can do or not do other processes such as domain verification etc. according to your own wishes.

11 - Information

As the last item, let's briefly talk about the installation of other add-ons. All add-ons are installed as classic WordPress plugin installation as described in the first 4 items. Converter add-ons are listed in the Converter API field under CryptoPay - Settings - API's. Network support add-ons will appear at the bottom of the EVM Based settings page when you install them.

Last updated